Monday, October 19, 2015

Lone Star Dispatch- News Evalution

Page 1: Story 1- Age old battles still on going
1. Who- Parker Smith
What- The dress code violations
Where- Bowie High School
September 4, 2015
Why-  It was enforced with a double standard and with no regard to how it makes girls feel
How- Smith posted her story on Twitter

2. Summary: "Age old battles still on going," was about the dress code and how it's enforced. It  talks about student's individual experiences and the demeaning ways they were dealt with.

3. Parker Smith (direct quotes), Marley Neth (direct quotes), Principle Kane (direct quotes) Jennifer Smith (direct quotes), and Brandon Smith (direct quotes).

4. The whole story is kind of an opinion because there are different points of view on the topic, but I saw no straight up opinion sentences.

5. The title of the article, "Age old battles still on going," indicates that the story will feature some degree of injustice, so it does read into the plot.

6. Yes

Page 1: Story 2- Building a better education thanks to AISD bond
1. Who- AISD, our school
What- New training room and a new modified kitchen
Where- Bowie
When- 2015-2016 Spring Semester
Why- The bond package passed by voters two years ago
How- The renovations and construction being done at our school

2. Summary: There are big changes on campus this year. Due to the bond package passed two years ago, AISD has helped put in a new kitchen, as well as a new trainer room!

3. Pablo Riera, Brittani Thibodeaux, Richard Winemiller, and Janelle Seay. (All directly quoted.)

4. No opinions

5. The title is a pun, "Building a better education thanks to AISD bond," literally means building. It does reflect the focus of the story.

6. Yes

Page 4: Story 1- SAT and ACT will change in March
1. Who- Students taking the SATs and ACTs
What- New test prep methods, and new test versions coming in March
Where- Bowie High School
When- March 2016
Why- To get students prepared 
How- English and SAT prep teachers will be handing the SATs a little differently

2. Summary: SATs and ACTs can be really stressful for students, so the school and faculty have some new ideas and materials to help. New test prep books and methods will be used, as well as a new version of the tests.

3. Judd Pfiefer, Isabela Doberenz, and Ricky Ramirez. (All directly quoted)

4. There are opinion statements on how to handle the tests.

5. The title isn't the focus of the story. It's more about the students and their feelings about the SATs and ACTs.

6. Yes

Page 4: Story 2- FIT bell schedule remains the same after proposal last year
1. Who- The Bowie students and their schedules
What- The changes the were (and weren't) made to the school schedule 
Where- Bowie High School
When- 2015-2016 school year
Why- To match up with other school campuses
How- The school decided against certain changes

2. Summary: Bowie used to have confusing designated A and B days with crazy alternate Fridays. Now the schedule is made to have the same A/B day every other day, but school ends 10 minutes later at 4:20.

3. Emily Heim, Nicole Moore, Kaila Aquino, Patricia Conroy, Matt Saucier, and Lili Benitez. 
(All directly quoted)

4. No opinions

5. The title does correspond with the story.

6. Yes

Page 4: Story 3- AISD gives school bind for campus renovation
1. Who- AISD, Bowie High School
What- Bond given to pay for improvements around school
Where- Bowie High School
When- 2013- present
Why- to help make our campus nicer and cleaner

2. Summary: In 2013 AISD gave Bowie a 16.5 million dollar bond to make renovations to our school. Slowly but surely students and faculty and seeing great results.

3. Vicki Hebert, Tanner Howell, and Robert Rasmus. (All directly quoted)

4. No opinion statements

5. The title states the topic.

6. No

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