Thursday, February 4, 2016

Portraits and Self-Portarits

Tip 1: Have your subject focus their attention on something unseen and outside the field of view of your camera. This can create a feeling of candidness and also create a little intrigue and interest as the viewer of the shot wonders what they are looking at. 

Tip 2: The person in your portrait is the main point of interest – however sometimes when you place them into different contexts with different backgrounds you can dramatically alter the mood in a shot.
Sometimes you want your background to be as minimalistic as possible.
Tip 3: Get close. The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact.

Environmental Self Portrait- I chose this image because the black and white diner environment gives it a very retro feel. I like that there are two cups ad places settings, but only one person.

Photography Self Portrait- I went searching for this photo because I remembered it from an episode of Modern Family. I thought it'd be the perfect example of a photography self portrait. I like that it has some color editing with a filter, it makes it dramatic.

Casual Self Portrait- I chose this photo because it looks like the kind of candid you'd put on instagram, that's what casual self portraits are. I like how hippy she's dressed.

1. What are the characteristics of an environmental portrait? An environmental portrait includes a background that gives you some context to the photo.
2. What is the difference between an environmental portrait and a casual portrait? An environmental portrait includes some features of the environment and surroundings, a casual portrait is often focused on one main subject (no other elements).
3. What will you need to do to get a really good self-portrait? To get a  really good self portrait you need good perspective and interesting light.
4.  When you go take these pictures, and you will eventually turn in one of each, a portrait and a self-portrait, describe to me what you would like to do and who you would like to take a portrait of and where you might shoot these images. 
I will either take a self portrait in my music room (probably making it black and white later) or a portrait of my dad and dog. They have some cute moments.

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