Wednesday, February 10, 2016

CE 4.3

1. What are five things you should know about the Zika virus? Page A1
  • Zika is in Travis County
  • It is linked to birth defects
  • It has been found active in saliva and urine
  • Pregnant women are at risk
  • There is no vaccine for Zika
2. How is Ft. Hood promoting renewable energy? Page A1
Fort Hood has embarked on a solar and wind energy project. The army is said to be the largest energy consumer in the US. So by installing natural energy and mitigating rising energy costs, they are promoting renewable energy.

3. What are three of the top jobs that do not require a 4-year college degree? Page B7
Three occupations that do not require a four year college degree are an automotive mechanic, message therapist, and a licensed practical nurse.
4. Who won the Super Bowl and what was the score? Page C1
The Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl at 24-10.
5. Skim the Webb Report on Page D2, which story was the most interesting? Just give me the subheadline of the six stories there. Music- Jaimee Harris at Cactus Cafe.

Look at the Photo Extra Page SA1-SA4.

Which is your favorite photo? Why?
"A Beacon on the Plains" is my favorite photo because of it's scenery and lighting. 
Which photo had the most interesting stuff going on?
"Battling the Blazes" had the most interesting stuff going on. There was a giant fire.
Which photo was the most boring?
"Counted by Hands" was the most boring photo because it I see flash cards and people writing everyday. The message and the storyline were intriguing, the picture was not.
Which photo had the most interesting subject?

"Flight of the Angel" has the most interesting subject.

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