1. How many different countries have you visited? Definitely over 20, probably around 36.
2. What was your favorite trip and why? My favorite trip was to Egypt in 2006. I got to sail the Nile and see tombs and pyramids. When I was younger I always loved learning about the pharaohs and King Tut in magazines like National Geographic, so it was a really good experience to finally see it all in person.
3. What cities have you lived in? Corpus Christi-TX, Pereira-Colombia, San Marcus-TX, El Paso-TX, Austin-TX, Paris-France, Houston-TX, and Dubai-UAE.
4. Where was your favorite place to live and why? Paris, France because it was beautiful and historical. The urban lifestyle was so exciting! There were gorgeous museums and cafes, and I loved the language.
5. Have any of these places change your viewpoint politically? And how? Oh yes! Growing up I used to think I was a big conservative, but France, being one of the most liberal countries in the world, changed me into more of a liberal.
6. Have any of these places change your viewpoint spiritually? When I was younger, my religion classes toured mosques and synagogues to educate us about other religions, so I was always aware and informed of other faiths. But it is a good experience to meet other people with religious beliefs different than your own.
7. What was the most life-changing experience you've had in your traveling and where was it? Moving to France! When I moved there I was young and immature. I felt like what I had to say was very important. Before I learned French, the language barrier kept me quiet. For the first time in my life I really just listened. I realized I can learn a lot from being an observer. I learned to just shut up and appreciate what was around me.
8. How did it change your point of view? Living in France gave me some perspective on our own country. We have the "our way is the best way" American attitude. It's ignorant. There are beautiful, functioning places the world that are far from "our way."
9. What significance does it have in your life now? I am more openminded now and try to see different sides of issues. Maybe that's what wisdom is. It's what we're all working towards.
10. How has it changed you as an individual? I am a better, nicer person. I can relate more to other people now.
11. How has it changed you as a member of society? I feel responsible. I used to not care about anything outside my own world, now I vote for every office position I can and keep up on current events. I am an engaged, more aware, member of society.
12. Has it changed the role you play in your family? Yes, because I'm not always there. I am less involved with my family on a day to day basis.
13. Do you think if your perspective hadn't changed, would you feel the same now? In 10 years? I think so, there are other routes to grow spiritually and become a better person.
14. Have you brought the significance of this experience back into your Houston "home life" through any activity or ritual? Yes, Ken (husband) and I, talk about where we want to go next. We keep traveling and learning new languages.
15. Do you share it with others? Yes, whenever I hear other people talking in a different language I see if I know it, then try to greet them in their own language. I also meet with women's groups, most of the ladies are adventurous travelers so we share our stories and experiences. One of the women lived in France too so we get together and only speak French.
16. How do you think they see it? Everybody appreciates it. I've rarely met someone who didn't like living someone else for a few years. Though it can take some adjusting at first.
17. How do you feel about the attacks in paris? It is tragic. It felt like 9/11 all over again for me, because it hit home. It also made me notice how much attention we have for places we've idealized. Bombs went off in Beirut a few days before, so I feel like we are desensitized to violence taking place in these countries that we don't picture as developed.
18. Since living abroad had expanded your point of view, do you think it has touched your family in a similar way? I definitely think they've come out of their comfort zone when they came to visit me.
19. Where are you going next? Hopefully Peru!
20. What are you looking forward to doing there? I think we will go to Matchu Pitchu and try to hike up.
Secondary Interview #1: Lloy Lizcano
1. How are you related to Carmen? I am her mom.
2. What impact have her world travel experiences had on you? I got the opportunity to visit her and learn more about the culture and the language. Plus the cool souvenirs!
3. From your personal point of view, do you think her opinions have changed due to her worldwide experiences? Definitely. She has become very open to learning from other cultures, and has learned a lot of languages as well. Carmen is also a very good chef due to sampling foreign cuisine!
4. Have you visited her while she was living or visiting another location? Yes
5. Was it out of the country? Yes, in France and Dubai.
6. Did she participate actively in the community? Yes, especially in France. She was apart of a couple lady's clubs.
7. Is there anywhere she behaved more like a tourist? Around the area where she was living, she always traveled. While living in France, she toured Europe.
8. Do you think her travel and exposure to new ideas has affected her political stand point? She has become more liberal. She listens to all sides of the issues and tries to understand their point of view.
9. What about her role in society? Since living abroad, she comes back and does more charity work in Houston.
10. Has any of this inspired you to make a change? What was it? I definitely try to get more involved with charity work now. I'm volunteering for "Drive a Senior" tomorrow.
Secondary Interview #2: Katy Lizcano
1. How are you related to Carmen? She's my sister! (We have the same parents.)
2. What impact have her world travel experiences had on you? Because she's lived all over the world for extended periods of time, I've had the opportunity to visit her and stay longer in places that I normally wouldn't. The gifts are cool, too.
3. From your personal point of view, do you think her opinions have changed due to her worldwide experiences? Because she's lived all over the world for extended periods of time, I've had the opportunity to visit her and stay longer in places that I normally wouldn't. The gifts are cool, too.4. Have you visited her while she was living or visiting another location? Yes!
5. Was it out of the country? Yes! In Paris, France!
6. Did she participate actively in the community? Definitely. She has joined local groups, learned the local languages, and helped other foreigners adapt the way she did.
7. Is there anywhere she behaved more like a tourist? Probably Dubai because the local traditions are so different from her own.
8. Do you think her travel and exposure to new ideas has affected her political stand point? Yes, definitely. She was able to see different types of governments and cultures and how they work, even though they are different than what she was accustomed to.
9. What about her role in society? Because she was often alone in these foreign countries, she has developed a more independent spirit and a strong sense of purpose.
10. Has any of this inspired you to make a change? What was it? Yes- it has encouraged me to travel more often.
Secondary Interview #3: Ana McPherson
1. How are you related to Carmen? I am her twin sister.
2. What impact have her world travel experiences had on you? I got the opportunity to visit her in France, and when she started understanding world politics it gave me more perspective on world relations along with other countries interests.
3. From your personal point of view, do you think her opinions have changed due to her worldwide experiences? Yes, she's become more liberal.
4. Have you visited her while she was living or visiting another location? Yes.
5. Was it out of the country? Yes, it was Paris, France.
6. Did she participate actively in the community? She joined the American Womens' Organization while living in Dubai and France.
7. Is there anywhere she behaved more like a tourist? (Answer not given)
8. Do you think her travel and exposure to new ideas has affected her political stand point? Yes, she became less conservative.
9. What about her role in society? Yes, when she moved overseas, and was no longer employed, she started volunteering and became a leader.
10. Has any of this inspired you to make a change? What was it? Yes, it made me realize that I want to travel more and see many different countries.